Uniform Shop

The St Monica's Uniform Shop is a voluntary run service for the parents of St Monica’s.

The Uniform Shop, located in the hall, is open on Fridays 8.45am – 9.15am. If you cannot make it into the shop, you can order & pay for uniform items with our Qkr! app and your order will be sent home with your child.

There is an expectation from all parents and carers of children attending Catholic schools to wear a uniform. By accepting enrolment at St Monica’s Primary School, parents and carers are agreeing to accept the dress code established and promoted by the school community. This code requires each child to wear full and correct uniform to school each day. The only exception to this is when the school holds an “out of uniform” day. Children not in full uniform should have a written explanation from parents when this occurs. Parents are asked to strongly support this request.

Teachers will advise at the commencement of each term the days when a specific uniform is to be worn. This may be amended according to a particular grade’s programming and timetabling needs for sport. Teachers will notify parents, via a note, when a change is required.

Uniforms and other related items can be purchased with our Qkr! app, avoiding the need to send cash or credit card details with children to school. The app can be downloaded to Apple iPhones, iPads, Android smartphones and tablets, and can also be accessed by computer.
