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Friday 8 October |
Children to wear Sport Uniform Top for end of week |
Monday 11 October |
Children to wear Sport Uniform Top for start of week. 12.00pm - School Prayer via Teams |
Dear Parents
Welcome back to Term 4. While not the start we had hoped for, the teachers thoroughly enjoyed connecting with the children and were very impressed with how everyone managed to get into their class meetings. For the next three weeks the teachers have planned more short small-group sessions. This was in response to our Remote Learning survey, held at the end of last term, and will allow for more directed teaching during the week. I hope everyone from Kinder to Year 5 received their learning pack in the mail. Please contact the office if the pack has not turned up so that a replacement can be arranged.
Thank you to the families who completed our return to school survey. It made for a smooth start to the term and assisted with planning for the next three weeks. A new survey will be sent out at the beginning of Week 3 to assist our planning as grades start to return from Week 4. This will give parents time to determining their work commitments and how they are feeling regarding the return to school.
It was great to hear that most of the children dusted off their sport t-shirt and wore it for their first meeting. Let's start a trend during Term 4 Remote Learning - the children are to wear their sport t-shirt every Monday to start the week and Friday to end the week. Year 6 you can wear your leadership shirts.
Parents wishing to place a uniform order for the return to school in Week 4 - K, 1, 2 & 6 and Week 5 - Years 3, 4 & 5 can place an order via Qkr. Our wonderful Uniform Team will be in on Friday 22 October to fill orders that will be available for collection from 1.00pm that day or during the following week. For now, our uniform shop will only be offering online ordering.
During remote learning, our school will continue to remain open for children who need to attend school. Those students will be supervised as they access the same remote learning program as their classmates.
Please remember the most important thing you can do is support your child’s wellbeing. Keep in mind that children can express their feelings in many ways. I encourage you to speak openly with your children about how they are feeling.
If your child requires extra help and assistance, counselling is available through CatholicCare. To access the service, a booking request may be made by contacting (02) 6162 6100.
You can keep up to date with the latest health information and advice on the ACT’s COVID-19 website
Families Leaving
Continue to stay COVID safe and may God's blessing be with everyone.
October – the Month of the Rosary
Tomorrow is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. This is why October is a special month dedicated to praying the rosary.
Did you know…
That this feast day has also been known as the feast of ‘Our Lady of Victory’. This was because in the 16th century, there was a great victory in Europe against a Turkish invasion. The Pope at the time, Pope Pius V attributed the victory to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was invoked on the day of the battle through the Rosary. The feast day was extended to the universal Church in 1716.
St Teresa of Calcutta, or Mother Teresa carried the rosary in her hand always. She often said that is was like holding Mary’s hand. Mary invites us to pray in trust as she takes our prayers to her son, Jesus. The purpose of the rosary is to help us meditate on the great mysteries of God. The main focus is on Jesus – His birth, death and resurrection. We sense that Jesus and Mary are with us in the joys and sorrows of life.
I have attached a guide to praying the Rosary and will make available a slide deck that you might like to use as a family. This week, for staff prayer, we have focused on the Joyful Mysteries.
Our Lady of the Rosary – Pray for us!
Sacrament of Reconciliation
This term our Year 3 candidates will be preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In this sacrament we hear and respond to God’s call to conversion. God’s grace and mercy brings about in us a change of heart. This means that we know that the choice or choices we have made were not the right ones and we can say sorry. But this apology needs to be one of conversion – we can’t just say sorry and make the same choice again! We need to show that we are sorry through our actions and our words – we show that we can make better choices!
But reconciliation is also about being able to forgive when someone has done something to us. This means not holding on to the hurt, frustration or anger. If we hold these feelings in our heart for too long – this is called ‘holding a grudge’. It doesn’t make us feel good either.
Jesus uses the parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11-32), to teach us about renewing our hearts through asking for forgiveness and forgiving others. As a family you might like to watch this clip of the Prodigal Son and talk about times when you have had to say sorry and times when you have forgiven others.
How did it make you feel?
Sacrament of Confirmation – Change of Dates now confirmed
Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions in the ACT the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will now be celebrated during term 4 on 23,24 and 25 November 2021.
COVID Restrictions - due to Covid restrictions limited people are allowed in the church for each celebration and as some parents are working from home Fr Loi has agreed to include midday and evening liturgies to celebrate the Sacrament. There will be 6 liturgies with around 15 candidates per liturgy.
This means that the number of people attending is restricted to a maximum of 4 per family and only people who reside in the household. Which means the people attending would be, the candidate, their sponsor and 2 other household members. In the absence of the sponsor, a parent may stand in as a proxy.
Bookings will open on 18 October and close by 5 November 2021. Bookings are to be made through TryBooking via the links on the parish website at
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Parent Information Night – will be held this Thursday 7 October via zoom.
The zoom access for this meeting is and this link is also be listed on the parish website at
The Sacrament will be celebrated on 9, 10, 11 November 2021 (additional information will be advised via the school bulletins in term 4 and on the parish website).
Registration for the Sacrament – opened on 13 September and will close by 25 October 2021. Registration and payment must be made through the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Qkr! App (NOT the school’s app). No further registrations will be accepted beyond the closing date.
Purchasing a stole for the Sacrament of Reconciliation is optional and is not compulsory. If you wish to purchase a stole, the cost is $20 and this can also be done via the Parish Qkr! app.
Commitment Masses – a commitment liturgy will form part of the Parent Formation night on 7 October 2021.
Further Information – please contact the Sacramental Program Coordinator at or ( (during lockdown)) or check the parish website for updates at
Chatstarter – Helping Parents and Young People Support Each Other
Conversations play an important role in recognising when someone is going through a difficult time and connecting them to the right type of care.
While we all like to have conversations in different ways, talking to someone about what’s challenging us can be difficult.
#ChatStarter was developed by the National Mental Health Commission in partnership with parents and young people who have experience of mental health challenges.
Having a small chat can make a big difference. The easy-to-use tips and resources have been developed by mental health clinicians to help build your confidence and capability to support a friend or loved one who may be experiencing distress or a mental health challenge today.
Before Having A Chat
Before starting a conversation, ask yourself what support you have in place for yourself:
Are you doing OK?
It is important that you prioritise your own mental health before helping others.
Do you have someone you can talk to if a conversation has been challenging?
It’s absolutely OK to seek support, in fact it is essential.
Then think about the person or people you are going to chat with:
- Have you noticed a change in their behaviour?
- Have you noticed a change in their mood?
- Do they have support people around them?
- What do they like to do in their spare time?
Here are some ways that you can connect with those around you
For Parents
Supporting our children in difficult times and finding out how they are doing means we often need to find alternative ways to start a chat and to listen.
For young people
Doing things together is a great #ChatStarter, especially when we may not know how to start or what to say.
Click on the link to read more at Head to Health
Belconnen Athletics and Gala Days
Due to the current situation with the pandemic, all ACT School Sport has been cancelled for the rest of the year. Unfortunately, this means that the Belconnen Athletics Carnival has been cancelled. Thank you again to the parents who contacted me last term to volunteer, it is much appreciated. And last, but not least, well done to all of the students who did qualify for this carnival:
Nicholas P, Cooper D, Charlie D, Lily H, Sienna R, Karlin O, Nikolas H, Nellie R, Sophie A, Paddy K, Ater A, Abigail N, April A-C, Charlie G, Joseph J, Bastijan P, Brock S, Xavier M, Jaryd S, Will Mc, Finn D, Bailey S, Samantha S, Leila W, Aiden S, Annabelle F, Madison R, Luca S, Ethan G, Sophie P, Luciarna G, Milla F, Arabella A, Laura R, Annalene L, Alissa H, Violet P, Amelia H, Bella P, Jessica Mc, Lachlan F, Emmett J, Amelia W, Naomi D, Vsevelod K, Fletcher B, Jye L, Amour A, Alessandro A, Mya L, Sophie C, Jade W and Antonia H.
In-School Sport
Due to COVID restrictions and rules we will not be able to conduct any In-School sports competitions.
I put this message in the newsletter at the end of last term, but thought it would be pertinent to share again. Now more than ever, it is extremely important to look after our physical and mental wellbeing. With the glorious spring weather, it is a perfect time to get outside and get our bodies moving. See below some information about how we can address our physical health.
Physical activity: why it’s good for children
Physical activity is vital for children’s health, wellbeing and development, now and in the future. Physical activity has lots of health benefits for children. It:
- - strengthens children’s bones, muscles, hearts and lungs
- - improves children’s coordination, balance, posture and flexibility
- - helps children stay at a healthy weight
- - reduces children’s risk of getting heart disease, cancer and type-2 diabetes later in life.
Physical activity also boosts children’s wellbeing. For example, active children are more likely to:
- - be confident and feel like they belong
- - be relaxed and sleep well
- - concentrate better at school
- - get along with others and make friends easily
- - share, take turns and cooperate.
Physical activity is an important part of play and learning. And when children do physical activity with you or other people, it can be a great way for them to build relationships in your family and community. Physical activity is also just good fun for children.
Children aged 5 years up to 18 years should do at least one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity plus several hours of light physical activity each day. And at least three days a week, this should include activities that strengthen muscles and bones.
Happy Birthday to the following students celebrating a Birthday this week
Hamish C, Ruby S, Hannah A, Flynn G, Alexis B, Jett T
Community Council News - Evelyn David-Hoole
If you have any ideas or concerns please email them through to our Secretary Noel Chan at
Parish Secretary - Part Time Position
Part Time Parish Secretary – South Belconnen Parish
People are invited to apply for the position of Parish Secretary for South Belconnen Parish. This is a part-time permanent position of 18 hours per week (Tuesday to Thursday).
Essential Requirements:
- Experience with financial & database packages
- Strong communication and liaison skills
- Strong organisational skills
- Ability to work on your own, and as part of a wider team and take direction
- Understanding and respect for the Catholic Church and its teaching
- Experience in an office environment.
Salary will be subject to Clerk Award Level 4/5 rates. Please email for a copy of the duty statement. Applications addressing the Selection Criteria above to the Parish Priest, South Belconnen Parish must be received by 14 October 2021.