
At St Monica's we believe Mathematics is essential for living. Some aspects of Mathematics are required by individuals in order to function
adequately as members of society. These aspects include strategic planning, skills and techniques and involved in understanding and applying number, choosing and using measures, computation, problem-solving and reasoning. The study of Mathematics therefore provides support for concurrent learning in other essential learning areas and builds a sound foundation for further mathematical education.
St Monica’s commenced using the the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics in 2012, The Mathematic Curriculum is organised around the interaction of three content strands and four proficiency strands.
The content strands are Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. They describe what is to be taught and learnt.
The proficiency strands are Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving, and Reasoning. They describe how content is explored or developed, that is, the thinking and doing of mathematics. They provide the language to build in the developmental aspects of the learning of mathematics and have been incorporated into the content descriptions of the three content strands described above. This approach has been adopted to ensure students’ proficiency in mathematical skills develops throughout the curriculum and becomes increasingly sophisticated over the years of schooling.
Mathematics lessons occur each day from Kindergarten to Year Six for 60 minutes. All students are tested at the commencement and conclusion of each year, using a range of diagnostic testing tools. Ongoing assessment occurs at various stages throughout the term. All students have use of technology to enhance their learning.