Classroom Support

At St Monica’s we believe that all children should have lifelong access to high quality education and training for vocational, social and personal needs to improve the quality of their life and to prepare them to realise their potential in later years.
We recognise that, although all children have individual learning needs, there is within the school a significant proportion of students with special educational needs, for whom additional support is required if their schooling is to be rewarding; and they are to achieve educational outcomes appropriate to their individual learning needs. Some learning needs may arise from a disability, a disorder, a learning difficulty, a sensory impairment or a severe medical condition.
St Monica's has long been committed to the inclusion of children with special needs in its schools. It is the policy of the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocesan Catholic Schools System that, students with disabilities and special learning needs will be educated in age-appropriate settings in regular schools, in the mainstream classrooms. The incorporation of inclusive practices is guided by the principles of justice as reflected in Church, educational documents and legal Anti-Discrimination Acts.