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- Principal's Message
- Special Prayers
- Happy Birthday
- Reducing Anxiety at the Start of a School Year
- Internet Safety Day
- Canteen News!
- Parish Sacramental News for 2022
- Sport Days - Term 1 - 2022
- Science of Reading - Parent Evening
- Library News - Veronica Melville
- Chief Minister's Reading Challenge 2022
- Finance - Kirra Thompson
- ACT Swimming 2022
- Tennis News - Ryan Matchett
Dear St Monica’s families and friends,
Names identify who we are, they may have a special meaning, they may reflect your family and culture. Remembering a name, saying it and getting it right, is a genuine compliment. Forget someone’s name, mispronounce it or misspell it, and you’re in big trouble!! This week, I have made it my goal to learn the names of as many students as I can. I am slowly getting there! I look forward to learning all of your names as well!
Year Six Leadership Commissioning Ceremony
Jesus, our greatest leader, was selfless. He put himself and his own needs second and ministered to others beyond the call of duty, tirelessly, lovingly, effectively. This Friday we will be commissioning our Year 6 students into their leadership roles. Last year, the Year 6 students made a very considered decision about which leadership group they would like to be part of. I am very pleased to see a balanced spread of students across the following leadership groups. Sport, Social Justice, Peer Support, Arts, Technology, Service and Stewardship. I am looking forward to working with the students and their teachers to ensure they have success in their roles. Congratulations Year 6!
Baby News!!
It is with great joy that Mrs Nicole Jenner (6J teacher) and her husband Tristan share the exciting news, that they are expecting their first child in Term 2. We wish the Jenner family all the best as they prepare for the impending arrival. |
In Week 4, you will have an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher. These online meetings are strictly 10mins only and will be time for you to talk to your child’s teacher about their strengths, what they find challenging and how you want them to grow this year. Please fill in the “All about my child form” attached to this newsletter, as this will assist the discussion at these meetings. Information about booking times, will be sent out via Compass tomorrow.
School Council Meeting
Our first council meeting for the year will be held next week. We congratulate all 2022 council members new and returning. At this meeting Sarah Meier and Sarah Rose from Catholic Education will be speaking to the group about the roles and responsibilities of being a council representative. If you wish to contact the council email:
Drop-off and Afternoon Pick-up
The new year may bring new after school arrangements for families and in these early weeks, it is timely to revisit routines for travelling to and from school with your child. We thank families for commencing the year with mindfulness as they access the school’s driveways and surrounding roads.
Students can be dropped off from 8.25am. They are to go to their line-up area and sit down until the bell goes. I understand some children, particularly our Kindergarten students, may feel anxious or worried about being dropped off in the morning. Unfortunately, under the current COVID-19 restrictions, parents are not to enter the school grounds to walk their child/ren to lines. In my experience, children are fine once their parents are out of sight. Be cheerful when you drop your child off and promise you’ll be back to pick them up in the afternoon. (See article attached to this newsletter about Reducing Anxiety at the start of the school year).
Afternoon pickup is from 3.10pm. Parents are welcome to park on the Blacktop or wait in their cars for drive-through. If your child is unable to put their seatbelt on independently, we kindly ask you to park on the blacktop or SMOOSH carpark and we will safely cross your child to you. If the carline queues back onto Moynihan St, then we are interfering with the public traffic flow.
Compass Calendar
We have finally been able to sync the Parent Calendar to Compass! Please click on the calendar icon to see what is happening each day at school. If you are having difficulty downloading the Compass App on your phone or device, please contact Mrs Flynn in the office and she will help you!
COVID updates
The process for distributing each student’s access to RAT kits for the next fortnight is as follows. Next Monday, 14 February, another two-week supply of RATs will be sent home with each student. Whilst it is not mandatory to test twice weekly, we strongly encourage any student who is experiencing even the mildest of symptoms to use these kits. Keeping children at home if they are unwell, even if they have tested negative, is particularly important at this time. We thank you for your understanding and support.
Kindergarten Health Checks
Kindergarten Health Checks will take place around Term 3 this year. Kindergarten Health Check envelopes have been sent home today. Please complete questionnaire and return in envelope provided to Kindergarten teacher. Questionnaires are due back to school by Friday 4 March 2022.
Warm wishes always,
Please keep the Stolzenhein family - Sian (5FM), Tobie (2MD) and Azalea (KRD) in your prayers as their grandfather passed away last week.
Happy Birthday to the following students celebrating a Birthday this week
Josephine C, Sienna D, Amelia B, Lucy D, Esther L, Dallas M
Reducing Anxiety at the Start of a School Year
Going back to school after a long break can be an anxious time for a child. New classes, teachers, and students as well as the increased uncertainty of the pandemic all have potential to pile up and create fear of the unknown. Here are some strategies that may help you and your child work through the start of the new school year and lead to a more positive experience. Validate Their Anxiety - Letting your child know that you appreciate and understand that they may be anxious about the return to school is important validation for your child and helps them feel safe and secure. Help Them Prepare - Discuss what to expect with your child and help them understand school procedures and safety measures. Ask them what they are looking forward to and check in regularly in the first weeks. Focus on the Positives - Talk about the friends and teachers that your child will be seeing again after the long break and reassure your child that they will soon feel comfortable in their new routines. Limit Expressing Your Expectations - You may need to limit conversations about your expectations for the year – especially academic ones. It may only add to your child’s anxiety now and you will have plenty of time to discuss these during the year. Don’t Add to the Pressure - Remember that working through the change takes up a lot of energy, so your child may become tired, and a bit more grumpy than usual. Make sure they have plenty of free time to relax and play after school while they settle into the year. Look After Yourself - The long break and the uncertainty that comes with the current pandemic and what to expect in the future has taken a toll on parents as well. You need to ensure that you have a break and care for your own well being if you are going to be the calm positive carer for your child's needs. Flexibility is going to be a necessity in the coming months, and you will need to ensure that you maintain your resilience as you care for your child and your family. Acknowledgement: Anxious Kids, 2019, by Michael Grosser and Dr Jodi Richardson |

Last week your child/ren will have brought home a responsible use of ICT form to sign. The purpose of this form is to ensure students at St Monica’s understand how to use digital devices and online programs confidently, safely and responsibly. Unfortunately, if your child does not exercise appropriate digital citizenship they will be unable to use the school’s devices or networks.
Have you had a chat with your child/ren about Netiquette? Netiquette stands for network etiquette.
Sometimes it’s easy for children to forget that there is a real person on the other end of their Instant Messaging session, game or wall post. It’s easier for them to say and do things online that they might not do in ‘real life’. They may hurt another person’s feelings or be made to feel unsafe or embarrassed. It’s important that we encourage the children to treat people online the same way they would face to face.
Help stop cyberbullying - Stand up and speak out! If you see or know your friend is being cyberbullied, support them and report the bullying. Remember that you should behave the same way towards others whether you are online or offline.
For further information, visit the e-safety website:
For specific children resources go to:
For specific parent resources go to:
The canteen is reopening for 2022 this Friday 11 February.... HOORAY!!!!
All orders for recess, lunch, and lunchtime treats (ice blocks) are available via Qkr! (no cash sales at this time). The birthday deal is also back, with Zooper Doopers to share with the birthday child's classmates and a lunch and drink of their choice to enjoy the Friday after their birthday (don't forget to put your selection in the comments when ordering) - still just $12.00.
We are very lucky to open our canteen, as many other school canteens are currently closed. I think this is due to the wonderful patronage of our families and definitely thanks to the fabulous volunteers within our community. I am a little low on volunteer numbers for this Friday and would appreciate having some assistance if you are able. You just need a few hours, your WWVP card, double COVID vax status and a willing heart. Please show your availability on the attached link to our volunteer signup sheet: To sign up, it only takes a few moments, just follow the instructions on the page.
I am looking forward to an uninterrupted run in the canteen this year (positive thoughts) and hopefully getting some new things on the menu.
I work part-time, Wednesday - Friday and food is normally available Thursdays and Fridays.
I can be contacted via email if you have any questions:
Parish Sacramental News for 2022
Sacramental Program 2022
If you have a child in Years 3, 4, or 6 in 2022 this will be a Sacramental year.
This also applies if your child is in Year 5 and he/she has previously missed the Sacraments of Reconciliation and/or First Eucharist.
A Parish Sacramental Program Information Evening will be held on Thursday 17 February 2022 at 6pm in St Monica’s Church for the families of students in Years 3-6 in 2022. You are very welcome to attend the information evening where all the relevant information will be available.
First Eucharist will be celebrated in Term 2, 2022.
Confirmation will be celebrated in Term 3, 2022.
Reconciliation will be celebrated in Term 4, 2022.
For further Information – please contact the Sacramental Program Coordinator at or check the parish website for updates at
Sport Days for Term 4 are as follows:
Kindergarten | Tuesday and Friday |
Year 1 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 2 | Tuesday and Friday |
Year 3 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 4 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 5 | Monday and Thursday |
Year 6 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Science of Reading - Parent Evening
Science of Reading: Empowering Parents Tickets, Mon 14 Feb 2022 at 19:00 | Eventbrite
Connect on Monday 14 February 7:00pm to learn more about the evidence-based processes that support all children when learning to read. During the Webinar, Jacinda will provide you with easy to understand information on the Concepts, Knowledge and Skills that all children need to successfully learn to read.
Library News - Veronica Melville
Dear Parent/Carer
The best gift any parent can give a child is the love of books and the joy and benefits of independent reading for fun. Children who read at home, or are read to, have a head start on reading success in school. Our school is participating in Scholastic Book Club this year. Up to twice a term, during the school year, I will send home a Club catalogue with a different selection of books offered for all ages.
You will find award-winning books and bestsellers, as well as old and new favourites. I recommend them because the books span a wide range of children’s reading levels and interests and because they are inexpensive (some books cost as little as $2).
All orders are placed using Book Club LOOP platform which allows parents to pay by credit card. Your child’s order is submitted directly to school safe and sound and the books will be delivered to class. You can place your child’s order at or using the LOOP app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

Issue 1 catalogues were sent home today with the eldest child. Orders close Monday 21 February.
Chief Minister's Reading Challenge 2022

The Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge starts on Monday 14 February. Students need to read 30 books of their choice by Friday 19 August. If you would like your child/children to participate please email Ms Melville, so they can be included in the school registration. Students will be given a reading record to complete.
Please be advised there was some incorrect calculations in the Fee Schedule sent out at the end of last year. It will only affect families with students at a Systemic School. Apologies for this, please find the updated Fee Schedule attached.
School Fees for Term 1 will be sent out at the beginning of Week 3. If you aren’t on a Direct Debit, fees are due by Friday 4 March 2022 (Week 5).
If you would like to set up a Direct Debit please complete the attached form.
Families with children in a Systemic High School who didn’t complete the Systemic form at the end of last year please complete the attached form.
Please return forms by Friday 4 February 2022 to
Have a great week!