Filter Content
- Weekly Happenings
- Principal's Message
- Reminder Drop Off and Pick Up Arrangements
- RE News - Haley Stonham
- Parish Sacramental News
- St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
- Canteen News - Wendy Regan
- Wellbeing Danceathon - Melinda Brown
- Gratitude - Emma Russell
- Protective Behaviours - Luke Donnelly
- Puberty Years 5 and 6
- School Fees
- Happy Birthday
- St Monica's Family Portraits Fundraiser - Emma Howlett
- Fundraiser - Christmas Trees - Evatt Scouts
- Community Council News - Evelyn David-Hoole
- COVID-19 Updates
Thursday 4 November |
6.00pm Child/Parent Reconciliation Evening via MS Teams |
Friday 5 November | |
Wednesday 10 November |
3.30pm - 6.00pm First Reconciliation - Year 3 Readers Cup Teams Competition |
Thursday 11 November |
3.30pm - 6.00pm First Reconciliation - Year 3 |
Dear Parents
It has been so lovely to be able to engage with parents and grandparents, while only briefly, as people drop off or pick up their children. Thank you to everyone for observing our COVID-19 safe measures and keeping children home when not well. It was wonderful to have everyone back together again.
Staffing News
I am delighted to announce that the following staff have been successful in being granted a full-time permanent teaching position at St Monica's from 2022 - Melinda Brown, June Edwards, Kathy Moir and Brendan Hague. Congratulations on achieving permanency as you are all very committed to developing the life and learning at St Monica's.
Thank You For Spoiling Us
Special Prayers
Please keep the Houliaras family - Nikolas (3CF) in your prayers as his grandfather passed away recently.
Use of Check In CBR app
Parents and carers cannot enter the school grounds. They are allowed on campus for essential purposes only or in the case of an emergency.
Exceptions include:
- to pick up a sick student
- to access After Hours Care - please use the Hall Check In App
- to provide necessary supports for a child or young person with additional needs (which must be negotiated with me in advance).
Student illness
No students are to attend school if they are showing any COVID like symptoms. They must remain at home and follow all ACT Health directions in relation to testing and/or quarantine instructions and can only return to school when cleared to do so. Students who present as unwell or with symptoms will be required to go home.
Hygiene and cleaning
Bubblers are not available for use. Please remind all students to bring and use a suitable refillable water bottle each day.
Staff and visitors must wear a face mask when indoors, unless exempt, when eating or drinking and when communicating with a person who is hard of hearing.
Students in Years 3 to 6 are encouraged to wear a mask at school if they are comfortable doing so (at the discretion of the student and their parents/carers). Although the ACT Health directives say people 12 and above must wear a mask in the ACT, this does not include primary school children when at school.
Children in preschool to Year 2 should not wear masks as they are likely to be worn incorrectly and may present a choking hazard.
Physical distancing
Students will be encouraged to minimise close contact and close interaction where possible. Parents and carers gathering outside the school grounds for collection and/or drop off must socially distance.
Wellbeing supports
Our School Counsellor has recommenced. Conversations with parents will be conducted remotely.
St Monica’s will limit unnecessary physical interaction between students on school grounds and the mixing of student cohorts (those year groups not routinely learning together) where possible. This will include identifying entry and exit points for different year groups. Limiting interaction between students does not apply to siblings.
Managing cohorts differently is challenging but necessary as we navigate our way beyond the recent lockdowns prompted by the pandemic. While we are keeping our break times as normal, we are alternating eating and playtime within the breaks for the various cohorts.
SMOOSH will continue to operate as usual from the School Hall.
All students are required to wear a school hat at recess and lunch, as per our Sunsmart Policy. It will be problematic for us if students attend without a hat as they must sit in the shade in our designated ‘no hat spot’ and we will have mixed cohorts. Please ensure your child has a hat ready for their first day.
Birthday celebrations
Students will not be allowed to share food or drink. This includes celebratory events such as birthdays. No sharing of birthday treats until advised. We will continue to review and adjust these measures based on the most up to date advice from the ACT Government, ACT Health and Catholic Education.
Morning Drop Off Reminder
Quick drop off zone on the basketball courts
Please keep this line moving
To reduce the time the children are gathering and mixing with other grades each morning, it would be of great assistance if children could be dropped off as close to 8.45 am as possible. Our first bell goes at 8.50 am when the children will line up in their designated areas. Courtyard supervision will still commence at 8.25 am. Please no drop off in the staff car park area. Refer to further COVID safe school plans later in the newsletter.
On Tuesday evening our 2022 Kinder parents gathered via MS Teams for their orientation session to meet members of the community and be introduced to Mrs Lisa Harris, the new Principal appointed to St Monica's in 2022. Thank you to Evelyn David-Hoole, Claire Wirth, Kamaljit Kaur and Luke Donnelly for your input.
Are you ready?
- Children need to provide their own water bottles as bubblers will be closed.
- Send in a packet of antibacterial wipes to be kept on your child's desk so it can be cleaned regularly.
- Make sure your child knows who will be collecting them and where they are to be picked up from, remember parents will not be able to walk to the classroom door.
Medication at School
Congratulations to Emma Odubenu who has had her first chapter book titled: ''Stick Together, Family Forever'' published on Amazon and is now available for orders.
What a wonderful achievement. Along with Emma's parents, we are very proud of her hard work and amazing achievement.
Follow the link to order Emma's book on Amazon.
Stick Together, Family Forever
BYODD - Year 4
Apologies for the delay in releasing our information about our plans for 2022. We are moving away from iPads to Chromebooks. Details will follow tomorrow regarding minimum requirements and our transition program.
The weeks are starting to slip away quickly with end of year plans commencing, despite it feeling like the term has just started.
Continue to stay COVID safe and may God's blessing be with everyone.
Reminder Drop Off and Pick Up Arrangements
Drop Off and Pick Up Arrangements for Kinder to Year 6
Children are to be dropped off in the hall car park or at the top of the ramp to the basketball courts between 8.25am and 8.50am. A teacher will be available to greet and supervise the children across the staff car park crossing near the office. Please display extra car etiquette during this difficult time as your child’s safety must come first. Due to the increase in the number of children at school please do not drop off in the staff carpark unless authorised.
Afternoon Arrangements
Parents, please remember to social distance when waiting on the blacktop.
Pick Up – Front of School
Commencing at 3.10 pm bell.
- Families with K, Year 1 and siblings to drive through the staff carpark, enter from Moynihan Street and start queuing from near the hoppers. Children will be supervised by staff as they wait.
- Clearly display your family name in the passenger window.
- Suggestion: Place baby or toddler seat on the righthand side so children can access the car from the left-hand side.
3.20pm Drive through pick up for Year 2 and siblings. By delaying the pick up by 10 minutes parents will avoid the bottleneck that can occur at 3.10pm. A teacher is always on duty until 3.30pm so you have plenty of time.
3.10pm Years 3 to 6 can be picked up from the basketball courts. Parents must stand along the fence and not congregate to chat. Please stand back as the children pass through the gate.
Chomley Carpark - A teacher will walk the children across to the carpark. Adults are asked to please remain in their car until the children arrive when they can greet their child/ren.
Copland College Carpark – this carpark will not be supervised.
Walkers and Bike Riders – Children will be dismissed as usual. Parents can wait at the boundary of the school to collect their child/ren; please remember social distancing while you wait.
Bus Travellers - Moynihan and Copland Bus Stops will be supervised.
SMOOSH – children will walk to the hall with supervision provided at the front office crossing.
Socktober for Mission Month
‘For we can not keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard.’
Acts 4:40
Crazy Sock Competition
Thank you to all the children and families for entering our Crazy Sock Competition! There were so many entries and the Social Justice Team found it so hard to choose 1 class winner! The winners for each class that entered are:
KB – Oliver C KCH – Huxley T
1BH – Polly D 1R – Aaliyah S
2RR – Ana L 2E – Ava C
3LG – Chloe W 3CF – Lachlan F
4SG – Massimo S 4R – Emma O
6J – Emily R
All entries will be displayed at school and be posted on our school Facebook page today.
Sacrament News
On Wednesday the Year 3 students engaged in their Reconciliation Retreat Day. This is a day when they all come together to celebrate their journey through learning about forgiveness and God’s love for us. Thank you to the Year 3 teachers and all of the Year 3 parents who have been supporting your children through this journey during remote learning.
Next week, our Year 3 candidates will make their Reconciliation for the first time. Please keep the children and their families in your prayers over the next week.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is also continuing. Candidates in Year 6 will receive the sacrament in Week 8 this Term. Thank you to the families of our candidates for continuing your love and support during remote learning. Please also keep these children and their families in your prayer over the coming weeks.
Sacrament of Confirmation – New Dates confirmed
Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions in the ACT the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will now be celebrated on:
Tuesday 23 November in St Michael’s Church at 12 noon and 6pm;
Wednesday 24 November in St Monica’s Church at 12 noon and 6pm; and
Thursday 25 November in St Monica’s Church at 12 noon and 6pm.
COVID Restrictions - due to Covid restrictions limited people are allowed in the church for each celebration and as some parents are working from home Fr Loi has included midday and evening liturgies to celebrate the Sacrament. This will be 6 liturgies with around 15 candidates per liturgy.
This means the number of people attending is restricted to a maximum of 4 per family and only people who reside in the household (and the Sponsor). This means the people attending would be, the candidate, their sponsor and 2 other household members. If the sponsor is unable to attend, a parent may stand in as a proxy.
Booking a date for the Sacrament is open and will close by 5 November 2021 (this Friday).
Bookings are to be made through the TryBooking links on the parish website at
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament will be celebrated (5 minute timeslots for each candidate) on:
9 November in St Michael’s Church from 3.30pm to 6pm;
10 November in St Monica’s Church from 3.30pm to 6pm; and
11 November in St Monica’s Church from 3.30pm to 6pm.
Home Booklets – families should be working through the booklet with their child in preparation for the Sacrament and for use on the parent/child formation night this Thursday 4 November.
Parent/Child Formation night – Thursday 4 November 2021 via zoom
Zoom access -
Commitment Cards – commitment cards were included in the home booklet and are to be completed and returned to the school on the week of 1-5 Nov 2021 or scanned & emailed to the Sacramental Program Coordinator at
The card must be returned prior to celebrating the Sacrament.
Further Information – please contact the Sacramental Program Coordinator at or or check the parish website for updates at
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Each year St Monica’s School supports our local needy families identified by our local St Vincent de Paul parish group. The local conference of the Society will assist with packing and distributing over 50 hampers to families in our parish just prior to Christmas. Over the years, the generosity of the St Monica’s School community has filled many hampers. our appeal is starting on Monday. St Monica’s School will collect items up until Friday 10 December. This year grades have been allocated a food group to collect to ensure we have a good balance of items. Please refer to the preferred items listed against your child's grade as identified in the attached document.
Year 6 - Meat and Fish
Year 5 - Vegetables, Gravy & sauce
Year 4 - Deserts (check use-by date is after 1 Jan 2022
Year 3 - Savory Treats
Year 2 - Sweet Treats - cakes, pies & biscuits ( use-by date after 1Jan 2022)
Year 1 - Sweet Treats - chocolate, lollies & drinks
Kinder - Vegetables, gravy & sauces
The Canteen is reopening this Friday - Yay! After that we are back to normal business on Thursdays and Fridays.
With extra COVID-19 precautions being undertaken, there will be no cash exchanged or counter sales. All foods (recess, lunch, and lunchtime cool treats) should be ordered via the Qkr! system and will be delivered to your child's classroom for both recess and lunch. Order cut-off time is 8:45am.
Due to the Year 6 farewell lunch, the last day of operation for the Canteen for 2021 will be Thursday 9 December 2021. On that day I will have the Friday lunch menu available.
I remind you of the Birthday Pack that the Canteen has on offer, which is perfect for a birthday treat to share with classmates (especially as we are asked not to bring in share food from home). For just $12 your child and their class receive Zooper Dooper ice blocks (on your nominated weekday). The special birthday child also receives a canteen lunch food and a drink on the Friday after their birthday. Please order via Qkr! It is great to have a few days' notice so that I can make sure I have enough ice blocks frozen and I can organise distribution with your child's teacher.
Anyone who paid for a lunch for the first Friday after lockdown, I will be in touch to confirm that you would like the order filled for this Friday.
Many parents have told me that they and their children are looking forward to the Canteen being back in operation. I am excited to be back too. Thank you for your ongoing support.
One way that we can centre ourselves in a sometimes chaotic world is to take the time to be thankful. I know that we have all been so thankful for the children returning to school and to see their friends and teachers! Take a moment to think of something or someone that you are grateful for.
Protective Behaviours - Luke Donnelly
Now that the entire school is back to face to face teaching we will recommence our protective behaviours units.
Next week our teachers will support students in understanding what private parts are and that there is safe and unsafe touching.
It is important that we use the correct language when talking about private parts and that this isn't seen as funny or silly.
Often our younger students feel empowered by knowing they are the boss of their bodies. Perhaps you could have a conversation with your students about private parts and the fact that they are the boss of their body and have the right to say no to any unwanted touch.
Our Year 5 and 6 students will recommence the Puberty program next week. Attached are the 3 letters sent out to families in Year 5 and 6 outlining the school program, the use of Flourish within the program and the My Body My Life family program to be completed at home. If you have not completed the My Body My Life program at home please prioritise this in the next few weeks as it will complement the program being taught at school.
We would like to remind families that the Flourish program will educate the Year 5 and 6 students about how babies are made in Week 10 of this term. We would encourage parents to ensure they have had this discussion before your child is taught this content in class.
Fees are due by Friday 12 November 2021
Term 4 school fee invoices have been posted home. Please let us know if you have not received your statement. Please make every effort to settle your account on time. Please contact our school Finance Officer, Kirralea Thompson, should you need to discuss your account. Any families who are leaving at the end of this year must ensure their account is settled in full.
Happy Birthday to the following students celebrating a Birthday this week
Alessandro S, Abigail N, Patrick I, Jack R, Tyler B, Polly D, Niko M
St Monica's Family Portraits Fundraiser - Emma Howlett
It seems strange to be sending this out in these crazy Covid remote learning days, but we have a school fundraiser in the wings! Family Portraits on Sunday 27 November 2021! The attached flyer provides more detail, but for the bargain price of $20 per family, you are able to sit for a family portrait and obtain a 10"x13" print, as well as a wallet photo (more poses and images are also available at an additional cost). To keep it all Covid friendly, sitting for the family photos will take place at Lake Ginninderra nearish to the Learn to Ride Park. All booking are made through Try Booking (details on the flyer). If you have any further queries after reading the flyer and checking on Try Booking, please contact the photographer directly - Kieren from Lasso Studios - on 0420 233 747.
Community Council News - Evelyn David-Hoole
If you have any ideas or concerns please email them through to our Secretary Noel Chan at